The 4th AFAASAEW will be held in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) back to back with the continental Agricultural and Animal Resources Fair (SARA) under the theme “Private Sector and Agricultural Advisory Services: What Synergies for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa”. The context of the 4th AEW is characterized by growing efforts at national, regional and international levels to make agriculture in Africa more productive, profitable and sustainable…
“Private Sector and Agricultural Advisory Services: What Synergies for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa “
1 – Private sector – farmers synergies for post-harvest management and value addition of agricultural products
2 – Professionalizing AEAS for successful rural youth and women agripreneurship
3 – Private sector and AEAS collaborations for Smart farming and building resilience
4 – Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services and social investments in the rural sector
5 – Building efficient and sustainable partnerships between private sector and public AEAS
Goals, Objectives, Excepted Outcomes

This event is jointly organised by AFAAS, RESCAR-AOC, ANADER and the Ministry of Agriculture, Côte d’Ivoire. The AEWs are held in partnership variously with GFRAS, CGIAR Centres, Development Partners and Bilateral Organisations, Regional Economic Communities. Partnership with Sub-Regional Research Organisations (ASARECA, CCARDESA, CORAF), FARA and Research Institutions shall be sought.
AFAAS AEW is an open event; however, there will be a transparent and inclusive pre-selection of participants. The key participants in the AEW include: AEAS providers from public (Ministry of Agriculture officials especially Directors of Extension from AFAAS member and non-member countries), Farmer based organisations, farmers, fishermen/folks, Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)as well as institutions and programmes actively involved in Agricultural and Rural Development. Private sectors (e.g. Telecommunications companies, agro-processors etc.)…