Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services


African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a Continental body that brings National Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) stakeholders in Africa under one umbrella. The AFAAS bi-annually organises the Africa-wide Agricultural Extension Week (AAEW) through the Host Countries and Institutions that express interest in collaboration with the respective Country Fora (CFs)…. 



"Harnessing AEAS in Scaling Regenerative Agriculture and Nature Based Solutions for Food System Transformation in Africa"



Strengthening Agriculture and Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services (AEAS) Policy Environment and Institutional Framework


Capacitating and Supporting AEAS Demand and Delivery Systems for Access and Quality Improvement


Mobilizing AEAS and Research in multi-stakeholder Innovation Platforms for Resilient Regenerative Agriculture & Nature based Agri-production and marketing systems.


AEAS resilience to pandemics and emergencies: Lessons across Africa


Leveraging Digital Potentials for AEAS & Regenerative Agriculture

Focus of the 6th AAEW

Agricultural production systems and food systems must undergo significant transformations to meet multiple interlinked challenges which include increasing food and nutrition security and incomes, responding to climate change and becoming more sustainable (economically, environmentally and socially). A wide range of approaches are being promoted with the aim of addressing environmental and climate change issues related to agriculture.  These approaches cover for example, Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Intensification; agroecology; Green Economy; Climate Smart Agriculture; Nature based solutions; Ecosystem-based adaptations; Regenerative agriculture and; Sustainable value chains and corporate responsibility.

Regenerative agriculture[1], characterized by its emphasis on soil health, biodiversity, and holistic management, has emerged as a promising approach to addressing the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and food insecurity. Nature-based solutions further contribute to sustainable food systems by integrating natural processes and ecosystem services into agricultural practices. The 6th AAEW seeks to explore the synergy between these innovative practices and AEAS in promoting food system transformation.

The conference will highlight the critical role that AEAS play in co-creation and disseminating knowledge, techniques, and best practices related to regenerative agriculture. Experts and practitioners will share insights on how these services can effectively support farmers in adopting regenerative practices, enhancing soil health, conserving biodiversity, and mitigating climate change.

The event will showcase successful case studies and stories, as well as innovative initiatives from various African countries that have already made strides in integrating regenerative agriculture principles into their farming systems. Key discussions will revolve around the challenges and opportunities of implementing regenerative practices, such as building resilient farming communities, fostering sustainable land management, and ensuring equitable access to information and resources.

Furthermore, the conference will emphasize the interconnectedness between regenerative agriculture and nature-based solutions in the broader context of food system transformation. Nature-based solutions, which harness the power of ecosystems to address societal and environmental challenges, will be highlighted as integral components in achieving sustainable and resilient food systems. Regenerative agriculture broadly encompasses both conservation agriculture and more sustainable agroforestry techniques. These practices increase crop productivity, enhance soil fertility, improve water retention, and create other ecosystem services, generating extensive economic, mitigation, adaptation and social benefits (Africa Regenerative Agriculture Study Group, 2021)


FMARD: The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ( is a Ministry of the Federal Government of Nigeria that has the mandate to ensure food security in crop, livestock and fisheries, stimulate agricultural employment and services, promote the production and supply of raw materials to Agro- allied industries, provide markets for the products of the industrial sector, generate foreign exchange and aid rural Socio-economic development throughout Nigeria.

AFAAS: The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services ( goal is “Enhanced utilization of improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors to catalyze sustainable inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa”. AFAAS’ three strategic pillars are. i) Strengthening and expanding network and knowledge management capacities; ii) Developing capacities for scaling out technologies and Innovations; and iii) Facilitating advancement of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS). AFAAS operates at country and regional levels through its Country Fora and Regional Fora respectively. AFAAS works closely with GFRAS, Regional and country fora in Africa. AFAAS upholds the 2014 Malabo Declaration and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A) among key Agricultural Research and Development frameworks in African continent

NIFAAS: The Nigerian Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (NIFAAS) is a country chapter of AFAAS in Nigeria ( NIFAAS is an umbrella organization of agricultural advisory service (AAS) providers, actors and stakeholders in Nigeria including the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON). The mission of NIFAAS “To build capacity and empower stakeholders along agricultural value-chains through knowledge-sharing, resource mobilization and skills-development for sustainable improvements in agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security and livelihoods.” NIFAAS also takes on its goals, “To develop and promote a coordinated, inclusive and demand-driven agricultural advisory support and service network in Nigeria”.

NIFAAS was formally launched by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Abuja, on Thursday June 23rd 2011, with support from the AFAAS Headquarters in Uganda. Its involvement in this year’s AAEW only serves to consolidate on the achievements registered – in a bid to improve the livelihood and food security of smallholder farmers in Africa.

CORAF: CORAF is an international non-profit association of national agricultural research systems in 23 West and Central Africa countries  It is the largest of the four Sub-Regional Organizations (SROs) under the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). The other three include the Association for the Strengthening of Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), the Center for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), and the North African Sub-Regional Research Organization (NASRO).

The primary objective of CORAF is to improve livelihoods in West and Central Africa through the sustainable improvements in agricultural production and productivity, as well as to promote competitiveness, and markets.