of AAEW 2021

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries is charged with creating an enabling environment in the agricultural sector ( It is commonly known as Ministry of Agriculture and carries out its role by enhancing crop production, improving food and nutrition security, widening export base and improved incomes of the farmers. The Ministry is the overseer of the Agricultural sector where it formulates, reviews and implement national policies, plans, strategies, regulations and standards and enforce laws, regulations and standards along the value chain of crops, livestock and fisheries.
The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services goal is “Enhanced utilisation of improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors to catalyse sustainable inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa”. AFAAS’ three strategic pillars are.
- Strengthening and expanding network and knowledge management capacities;
- Developing capacities for scaling out technologies and Innovations; and
- Facilitating advancement of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS).
AFAAS operates at country and regional levels through its Country Fora and Regional Fora respectively. AFAAS works closely with GFRAS, Regional and country fora in Africa. AFAAS upholds the 2014 Malabo Declaration and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A) among key Agricultural Research and Development frameworks in African continent.
Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) is a country chapter of AFAAS in Uganda ( It is a forum that brings together a wide range of actors involved in AEAS in Uganda. UFAAS was launched in May 2011 and is registered in Uganda. UFAAS organised a successful e-symposium in collaboration with MAAIF and AFAAS under the theme “Positioning Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services for Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems” in Uganda in September 2020. The e-symposium attracted the participation of stakeholders from across all spheres in the context of the global village. Its involvement in this year’s AAEW only serves to consolidate on the achievements registered – in a bid to improve the livelihood and food security of smallholder farmers in Africa.