Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Call for hosting AAEW 2021


  • Country: Africa

  • Assignment Title: Hosting the Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2021

  • Reference No. AFAAS/EOI/AAEW/2020/001

  • Deadline: 30th of June, 2020

African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a Continental body that brings National Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) stakeholders in Africa under one umbrella. The AFAAS bi-annually organises the Africa-wide Agricultural Extension Week (AAEW) through the Host Countries and Institutions that express interest in collaboration with the respective Country Fora (CFs). The AAEW is an international event that brings together Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) stakeholders and other value chain actors across Africa and globally to deliberate on selected strategic and topical themes on AEAS for sustainable development in Africa. Its purpose is to facilitate processes for improving access to and use of knowledge, technologies and innovations by agricultural value chain actors to achieve their individual, national and global development goals.

The AFAAS uses the AAEW as a unique avenue for sharing experiences and learning between professionals from different backgrounds, strengthening interactions with policy-makers and investors and developing strategic partnerships. In addition, the AAEW provides a platform to discuss AFAAS strategic directions and functioning, new developments, emerging needs, paradigms and defining new directions for AEAS for the coming years. Since 2004, the AFAAS has organised and held four successful AAEWs and three symposia which have contributed to strengthening AEAS in Africa and beyond.

During the general Assembly meeting held on 24th November, 2019 in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire), three countries namely: Madagascar, Nigeria and Uganda showed interest in hosting the AAEW for 2021. The purpose if this Expression of Interest (EOI), is to invite the countries and or Institutions listed above to submit EOIs for hosting the AAEW for 2021.

The detailed activities to be undertaken by the selected Country and Institution for hosting the AAEW 2021 include but not limited to those outlined in the Draft Road map attached as Annex 1.

This Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for hosting the AAEW for 2021 is specifically addressed to Uganda, Nigeria and Madagascar based on interest exhibited during the Annual General Meeting held on 24th November, 2019 in Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan.

The symposia: First and second were held in Kampala, Uganda in 2004 and 2006 respectively, while the third was held in Accra Ghana in 2011.The prospective countries (i.e. Uganda, Nigeria and Madagascar) are invited to submit EOIs accompanied with a short proposal – maximum of 3 pages to the AFAAS Secretariat clearly labelled “Hosting the AAEW 2021”. The EOI must be accompanied by information verifying that the

prospective Country and Institution is eligible to perform the hosting services and meet the detailed criteria for selecting host of the Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week issued by the AFAAS Secretariat (See Annex 2).

The Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be delivered to the address below not later than June 30, 2020, at 17:00 hours or submitted electronically on email:; or

The Host Country and Institution will be selected based on the “Criteria for Selecting Host Country and Institution for the Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2021” approved by the AFAAS Board in June 2020 following the procedure set in the “Consultants Qualification Selection (CQS)” procurement method outlined in the AFAAS Procurement management manual and IFAD Procurement Handbook (approved in September, 2010).

The prospective host may obtain detailed information from the AFAAS website:; and or from the AFAAS secretariat at the address below from 08:00 – 17:00 (local time) latest June 15, 2020.

Dr. Silim M. Nahdy

Executive Director, AFAAS,

Kigobe Road; House No. 26; Minister’s Village;

P.O BOX 34624 Kampala, Uganda

Telephone: +256-312313400.


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1 – Introduction

The Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week (AAEW) is an international event that brings together Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) and other value chain actors across Africa and globally to deliberate on selected strategic and topical themes on AEAS for sustainable development in Africa. Its purpose is to facilitate processes for improving access to and use of knowledge, technologies and innovations by agricultural value chain actors to achieve their individual, national and global development goals. Beyond thematic debates, the AAEW is a unique avenue for sharing experiences and learning between professionals from different backgrounds, strengthening interactions with policy-makers and investors and developing strategic partnerships. Additionally, the AAEW provides a platform to discuss AFAAS strategic directions and functioning, new developments, emerging needs, paradigms and defining new directions for AEAS for the coming years.

Since 2004, AFAAS has organised and held four successful AAEWs and three symposia[1] which have contributed to strengthening AEAS in Africa and beyond. A summary of AAEWs with thematic focus is provided in the Annex 1.

2- Who can host the AFAAS Africa-Wide Extension Week?

Continental, Sub-regional, and Country Fora and ministries responsible for AEAS as well as networks and organisations involved in the agricultural innovation system are eligible to apply to host the AAEW. The applicant shall satisfy the following criteria upon which AFAAS Board selects the host:

I – Willingness and demand by the potential host to hold the AAEW

II – Member of AFAAS Network (Sub-regional and/or Country Fora) or in the process of formalising membership

III – Availability of personnel, logistical, administrative and financial capacity of the potential host and its stakeholders

IV – Opportunities to link national and regional issues for AEAS to the continental and global level, degree to which participants can learn from particularities from the country

V – Value for money (ability to keep costs reasonable while hosting a quality event)

VI – Political and economic stability of the host country, ensuring participant security

VII – Regional balance in terms of previous hosts; rotation of the AAEW between African regions and sectors is preferred to allow attendance from many different participants while expanding AFAAS membership. However, the potential and preparedness will play a great role

VIII – Strategic opportunities to promote AEAS and AFAAS, e.g. by reaching to a new segment of stakeholders, strengthening country and sub-regional AEAS networks, and strengthening partnerships with new organisations

IX – Opportunity to gain synergies with other events related to AEAS

3 – What is involved in hosting an Africa-Wide Extension Week?

The host of the AAEW gives support and is responsible for local mobilisation of funds, organising key logistical and administrative aspects, including:

1 – Suggesting a potential theme(s) for the event at time of application

2 – Putting in place a Local Organising Committee (LOC) with sub-committees (Draft TORs in Annex 2, to be adapted by the LOC ) and provide logical facilitation

3 – Mobilising resources for all local expenses including lunches, tea breaks, local participants, contribution to venue through local partners

4 – Organising and manage local service providers with guidance from the Regional Organising Committee (ROC)

5 – Organising the field trips (identify sites, descriptions, arrange transportation, guides etc)

6 – Organising relevant socio-cultural events where necessary

7 – Liaising with national authorities for visa facilitation of participants, for financial support of the event, visibility, and participation of high-level representatives

8 – Contributing to the preparation of AAEW communication and visibility plan, including information and promotional material (flyers, banners, bags, etc.)

9 – Supporting to record and/or livestream the meeting through minutes, photos, social media and video if demanded, document lessons as regards processes, content and feedback from participants

 10 – Contributing and / or  leading in the management of especially locally e finances (budgeting, contracting and paying service providers, financial reporting) where needed.

4 – What support is offered by the AFAAS secretariat?

The AFAAS Secretariat coordinates the overall organisation of the AFAAS AAEW. It supports the host with country/ institution in terms of:

1 – Providing overall coordination and technical oversight at planning stage, during and after the AAEW,

2 – Putting in place a Regional Organising Committee (ROC), with TORs (Annex 3), to support and guide the LOC

3 – AFAAS Secretariat and ROC will mobilise funds to support AAEW at regional level for items like venue, support to international participants, facilitators, rapporteurs

4 – Putting in place AAEW Road Map and tracking progress together with ROC and LOC

5 – Elaborating the suggested and approved theme, sub-themes and content of the meeting with ROC, LOC and AFAAS Board

6 – Supporting resource mobilisation

7 – Sharing guidelines, checklists, sample letters, and timelines for planning and overall event

8 – Send out joint invitation letters to international participants and follow up.

9 – Promotion of the meeting through the website and AFAAS update

10 – Attracting the international community to support and participate in the event

11 – Online registration of participants and coordination with sponsored participants

12 – Developing communication and visibility plan in liaison with the LOC

13 – Facilitation/ moderation, Rapportuering, preparation and dissemination of report, communiqué and knowledge/information products

5 – Operationalisation

1 – AFAAS and the host institution shall be bound by instruments of engagement. The collaboration between the host and AFAAS shall be based on a signed Memorandum of Understanding. All working modalities shall be spelt out in the MoU and this will form a working framework between AFAAS and the Host Country/ Institution.

2 – Jointly agree on the theme and sub-themes – guided by the ROC, LOC and Board

3 – Jointly agree on dates of the event, venue, and field sites among others.

6 – How to applyas host AAEW 2021

Eligible hosts interested in hosting the AAEW 2021 are invited to send a short proposal (maximum 2- 3 pages) to the AFAAS Secretariat on email: The proposal should contain information on the organisation’s/forum’s link to AEAS; how they fit the criteria above, their motivation and ideas to host the AAEW and indicate their capacity to mobilise resources locally, logistical capacity and experience in organising international events with sponsored participants. The proposal should also include major advantages of the host and the location, potential additional local partners, funding opportunities (monetary, material and in-kind), and potential synergies that can be created. Finally, it should also outline what the added value of hosting the meeting would be for the AFAAS community as well as the host country.

7 – Important Dates:

a. Call for Proposals: June 6, 2020

b. Submission of Proposals: June 19, 2020. 17.00HRs

c. Screening and selection June 20, 2020

d. Inform selected host country: June 23, 2020.


8 – Annexes

Annex 1. Summary of previous AAEWs

Annex 2. Summary TORs of the Local Organising Committee (LOC)

Local Organising Committee

The AFAAS Secretariat supports the process and implementing some of the AEW strategic and operational tasks. Similarly, the Regional Planning Committee supports in refining the content of the AEW and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has a more direct and important operational role in preparation for the whole event. The LOC shall undertake various tasks at the national level in liaison with other key institutions, in order to achieve the objectives of the 2019 AEW and AFAAS Annual General Meeting (AGM). The LOC shall involve most of the representatives[1] of the Country Forum as much as possible.

The specific roles and responsibilities of the LOC shall include but not limited to:

    • Constitution of the LOC including appointments by the relevant authorities – line Ministry and CF
    • Organize, set up and manage the local Secretariat- contact point and mobilize resources at local level required to ensure effective functioning of the Secretariat;
    • Resource Mobilisation: Solicit funding in the form of grants and donations from; Development Partners Government agencies like Ministries of; agriculture, forestry & fisheries sectors, Private Sector as well as the local corporate institutions.
    • Invitations: the LOC in liaison with AFAAS Secretariat and ROC shall send out all the invitations to all participants – Dignitaries, sponsored and non-sponsored participants;
    • Identify local participants and means of supporting their participation;
    • Liaise with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation/ Immigration to secure visas and any other protocol issues to facilitate smooth travel of the participants.
    • Handle all the logistics at national level in liaison with AFAAS Secretariat in Kampala, including identifying and liaising with service providers;
    • Identity cost effective: venue, hotels with adequate facilities and security for the meeting and participants property
    • Identity and where possible provide local transportation etc.
    • Support to identify key officials, VIPs from Host Country, and other countries and follow the necessary protocols to secure their endorsement and facilitate their participation. This shall be done in liaison with AFAAS Secretariat and ROC
    • Support to identity and engage local facilitators/interpreters in liaison with AFAAS Secretariat
    • Mobilize the local media to cover the events as may be deemed necessary;
    • Identify, describe and pre select the field sites for the field trip during the extension week
    • Organise and facilitate internal face to face planning meetings, some of which AFAAS Secretariat core staff may participate;
    • During the meeting support to organize all side events- support to arrange necessary logistics
    • Regularly update the Regional Planning Committee and AFAAS Secretariat on progress;
    • Manage internal and external communication in liaison with AFAAS Secretariat;
    • In collaboration with AFAAS, document the whole process for lesson learning
    • Two members to represent the LOC in the Regional Planning meetings.
    • Prepare certificates for all the participants
    • Participate in identification of participants for Awards, prepare the necessary logistics for award ceremonies;
    • Ensuring Visibility of Government, AFAAS, EU, IFAD and Development Partners, sponsors and other partners.
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