Expected outputs:
- Fora and networks of AEAS actors at national, regional and continental levels spearheading (i) the promotion of private sector engagement in sustainable agricultural development, and (ii) the development of youth and women capacities for agripreneurship;
- Enhanced AEAS stakeholders networking in general and specifically around issues of engaging the private sector in sustainable agricultural development;
- Enhanced recognition of AEAS as a profession in a pluralistic context;
- Engagement of agricultural stakeholders for the establishment and rural importance private sector and AEAS platforms;
- More sustainable and active Private Sector – AEAS collaboration platforms.
Expected outcomes:
- Fora and networks of AEAS actors at national, regional and continental levels spearheading (i) the promotion of private sector engagement in sustainable agricultural development, and (ii) the development of youth and women capacities for agripreneurship;
- Enhanced AEAS stakeholders networking in general and specifically around issues of engaging the private sector in sustainable agricultural development;
- Enhanced recognition of AEAS as a profession in a pluralistic context;
- Engagement of agricultural stakeholders for the establishment and rural importance private sector and AEAS platforms;
- More sustainable and active Private Sector – AEAS collaboration platforms.