This event is jointly organised by AFAAS, RESCAR-AOC, ANADER and the Ministry of Agriculture, Côte d’Ivoire. The AEWs are held in partnership variously with GFRAS, CGIAR Centres, Development Partners and Bilateral Organisations, Regional Economic Communities. Partnership with Sub-Regional Research Organisations (ASARECA, CCARDESA, CORAF), FARA and Research Institutions shall be sought. Farmer organisations and private sector actors shall be key to as co-organizers of the main event, side event and/ or sponsors.
About AFAAS :

The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) goal is “Enhanced utilization of improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors to catalyse sustainable inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa”. AFAAS’ three strategic pillars are. i) Strengthening and expanding network and knowledge management capacities; ii) Developing capacities for scaling out technologies and Innovations; and iii) Facilitating advancement of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS). AFAAS operates at country and regional levels through its Country Fora and regional for a respectively. AFAAS works closely with GFRAS, Regional and country fora in Africa. AFAAS upholds the 2014 Malabo Declaration and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A) among key Agricultural Research and Development frameworks in African continent.
About ANADER :

Created in September 1993, the National Agency for Rural Development is a private company which, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, aims to provide quality agricultural extension and advisory services, with a view to ensuring development in rural areas. ANADER’s mission is to contribute to improving living conditions in rural areas through professionalizing of farmers and farmer organizations, by designing and implementing appropriate tools, adapted programs to ensure sustainable and controlled development. Globally, this mission consists of conducting any agricultural activities and operations intending to promote economic and social development in rural areas. Thus, in response to pluralistic challenges in rural settings, ANADER aims to be an efficient and effective instrument offering both public service and private-sector services through agricultural advisory services based on farmer’s knowledge and experience and collaboration with other field partners and stakeholders. Within the AEAS framework, ANADER is involved with cash crops, food crops as well as animal husbandry in terms of productivity enhancement, field product quality, technology transfer, dissemination of performant varieties, risks reduction, implementation of national agricultural development strategies, capacity strengthening for cooperative organizations, environmental preservation, gender and development, etc

The West and Central Africa Network of Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (RESCAR-AOC) aims to bring together all actors and stakeholders of the agricultural and rural advisory services (ARAS). Through RESCAR-AOC, these actors have a unique framework to better consult each other, strengthen their capacities, share and learn from their experiences, harness synergies to address challenges and opportunities facing agricultural advisory services and bring added value to processes for the elaboration and implementation of agricultural development policies. For investors and development agencies, RESCAR-AOC is an interface to interact more efficiently with professionals of agricultural advisory services and improve development initiatives. RESCAR-AOC places its activities in the context of coordinated efforts for an accelerated and inclusive transformation of African agriculture. RESCAR-AOC is a member of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) and do adhere to principles of subsidiarity for activities conducted at global, continental or national levels.
Ministry Of Agriculture