Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Side Event or Workshop

Background and context

AFAAS & SASAE members and affiliates are welcome to hold a side event/workshop on 2 or 3 November 2017, during the Agricultural Extension Week (AEW) South Africa 2017. Organisers can decide to take advantage of the participation of extension actors from all over the world to prepare joint positions for the AEW, initiate partnerships or debate any other extension-related issues. Organisers of side events will be responsible for developing their own materials, inviting attendees, bringing and setting up their own equipment, translation if needed, and financing. Side event organisers will of course benefit from various synergies with the AEW 2017. The Local Organising Committee of AEW 2017 has pre-booked rooms and conference packages, which the organisers will pay to the AEW Secretariat. Side events will be announced in the AEW programme. For any further clarifications contact:

How to proceed

Participants who are interested in organising a side event/workshop should send a short announcement (maximum 1 page) describing the proposed contribution to using the Registration Form below.

Download submission form

Timeframe for proposals

Activity Due date
Submission of proposal and registration for the AEW 2017 26 May 2017
Final confirmation and allocation of time for the side event/workshop by the Local Organising Committee, including preparation of a letter of agreement 15 June 2017
Own organisation of the side event, including registration, logistics, etc. 15 July – 8 September 2017