Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

GFRAS Training: Nutrition Module – New Extensionist

GFRAS Nutrition Working Group and
Training: Nutrition Module for New Extensionist Learning Kit

Date: 2 November 2017
Time: 14h00-17h00
Location: Suite 4 + 5 at the Elangeni Hotel
Organisers: Edye Kuyper and Emily Burrows (INGENAES Project), and Hlamalani Ngwenya and Natalie Ernst (GFRAS)

Side event overview:

Rural advisory services (RAS) are increasingly being looked to help in the effort to eliminate malnutrition. To learn more, ask questions, or consider how RAS SHOULD and should NOT be able to support nutrition, join this side event at African Extension Week. Attendees to the public launch of GFRAS’s Nutrition Working Group (NWG) will share feedback on how this working group can best meet their needs, and participate in a training on the nutrition module for the New Extensionist Learning Kit. The side event will include an overview of the objectives of the NWG and initiatives undertaken to date. Perspectives from the field will highlight how nutrition integration can work well, and how to overcome common barriers.

Copies of tip sheets and Global Good Practice notes will be provided, and participants are encouraged to share resources developed by their organizations.

We look forward to hearing your perspective on the best ways for RAS to contribute to better nutrition!

For more information:

To register for this side event/workshop:

Send an email to Ms. Edye Kuyper at Participation is in order of registering; late comers will be waitlisted.

Space is limited! Only the first 30 participants will be considered for all the material handouts
